Questions to Ask About Board Games

David Germain
Dec 29, 2019
Photo by michal beitz.

I’ve become more involved in board gaming over the past year. During this time I’ve played, watched, and read about a lot of different games. Each offers players something different.

So I have wondered: “Which game is the best for me?”

But this is a big question, too big to answer straightaway and without any preparation. So I have decided on a plan. I will answer some small questions that explore surrounding topics. Then a few medium sized questions that lay a strong foundation. Finally, I’ll answer the largest question.

Here’s the plan:

  1. What is a board game?
  2. What is the goal of a board game?
  3. What aspects of board games do I like?
  4. Which category of board games has these aspects?
  5. What are the specific board games in this category?
  6. Which game is the best for me?



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